The Vast Universe

April 28, 2023 Off By Author site

Our universe is a collection of matter, energy and space. Its scale is so grandiose that world science is not yet able to understand its origin and existence. There are billions of galaxies in the universe, and in these galaxies there are hundreds of trillions of stars and other celestial objects.

The Vast Universe

People have already discovered about 400 planets in our Solar System and nearby systems. According to scientists, the existence of some forms of life is possible on seven planets. At the same time, each star and planet are not similar to each other, as snowflakes are not similar. Only thanks to modern technologies, scientists were able to study in more detail a large number of previously unexplored stars.

To date, they produce five of the most unusual, beautiful and bright stars. We look at photos of these objects: YU Scat; The Star of Mafurail; The Object of Torn-Zhitnikov; R146a5; PSR B1143+10.