Larisa Guzeeva forgot to hide her hairy legs

March 6, 2023 Off By Author site

The main matchmaker of the country, a public personality and an artist of Russian show business, as well as the TV presenter of one of the most popular TV shows on television, “Let’s Get Married” Larisa Guzeeva made a shocking statement. The star shared her problem with fans on her microblog, according to the brunette, she is tired of torturing her legs with a machine, every morning she has to shave her legs, these leg hairs have already got the star in the literal and figurative senses.

Larisa Guzeeva forgot to hide her hairy legs

Now the artist has found a way out and shared her find with fans. Guzeeva decided on laser hair removal and was delighted with the result. According to the star, the hairs grow less often, and now you don’t have to torment yourself and your legs with this morning shaving your legs. The celebrity also noted that such a way out of the situation is suitable for public people, those who are constantly busy filming and do not have the opportunity to devote a lot of time to themselves.

The star also said that before laser hair removal she had read negative reviews about the harm of such a procedure, but after visiting specialists, she made sure that the procedure was absolutely safe and moreover painless. Now Guzeeva recommends laser hair removal to all her colleagues and friends, which relieved her of annoying hair and at the same time from the problem that took her extra time.