Iosif Kobzon in a serious condition was expelled from…

January 19, 2023 Off By Author site

As we know, Iosif Kobzon is unable to breathe on his own, but the doctors discharged the seriously ill patient home. According to the doctors, now Iosif Davydovich is connected to the device for auxiliary and forced work of the lungs.

Iosif Kobzon in a serious condition was expelled from...

The doctors did not want to discharge the man from clinical conditions and observation, as they were seriously afraid for the state of health of the famous patient, but at the insistence of his relatives they transferred him home. Earlier, it was reported on all television channels that the people’s favorite was in a coma and was urgently hospitalized, but Joseph Kobzon’s wife denied the false rumors. The singer almost completely reacts to all irritations, but cannot speak at all. Doctors assess his condition as stable but serious.